is an independent design and editorial studio and think tank led by Jarrett Fuller. Our work takes shape across a variety of media, from books and websites to podcasts and public relations and we work with clients large and small, around the world.

In addition to client work, we also produce experimental work, research projects, and original content, including the podcast Scratching the Surface, the online archive of graphic design texts, and other books and speculative projects.

Jarrett Fuller reviews Skolos+Wedell monograph for Eye Magazine

Date December 1, 2023
Type Project
Jarrett's review can be found in Eye Magazine 105.

Nancy Skolos and Tom Wedell met as students at the Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan in 1975, where Wedell was studying photography and Skolos graphic design. Their long partnership, in work and in life (they later married), started almost straight away. For 40-plus years, they have worked side by side as Skolos+Wedell creating singular and idiosyncratic graphic design that blends typography and photography, analogue and digital processes, and two- and three-dimensions. This body of work is collected in the duo’s highly personal new monograph, Overlap / Dissolve.

Structured chronologically, each decade from the 1980s to the 2020s is given a chapter showing the couple’s work across mediums and clients, with a special emphasis on the studio’s poster work. Their career parallels the rise of digital technology in the design field but the paradox in their work is that it looked digital despite being created with analogue processes …